Astrology And Baby Name Selection

Baby Name Selection

The new born baby brings with it a spate of happiness dotted with a series of worries for the parents. The first of these is finding the best suited name for the child. While every civilization all over the world tend to choose some appropriate and attractive name for the child, India among many other countries, have the option of taking help of Astrology for finding the luckiest name for the child.

Essentially Astrology is a statistical evidence based science where the knowledge of Astronomy and the effect of the planetary position on the individual can be determined with a lot of certainty. Astronomy and its derived science Astrology have been around in this continent for over three thousand years and the evidence of the practice of astrology in the later Vedic age is also available. Thus astrology has made deep in-roads into the social fabric of India. It has proved its effectiveness and therefore it has become an integral part of the Hindu life style. Be it marriage, or sacred thread ceremony or even the last rites of any deceased person astrology is around in one form or the other and this would not have been possible unless astrology proved its effectiveness over and over again. Therefore the parents rightly consult the astrologer in finding a suitable name for the new born baby.

Some people advocate taking the help of Numerology but then this branch of knowledge is yet to establish itself effectively. Some brilliant Numerologists exist who come up with brilliant forecast but the majority of the Numerologists are just learners and each one has a long way to go before the knowledge base gets perfected. This is not to say that all Numerologists are fakes and give wrong verdicts but locating the competent numerologist is a very onerous and difficult task.

Thus the worried parent needs to approach an established and reputed astrologer and in consultation with the astrologer should freeze the name for the baby. The parents have the right to choose the baby’s name worthy of their social status and cultural aspects. This is the surest way of finding the most suitable name for the baby who will be identified by that word for the rest of his life. The only precaution that needs to be taken is finding the right astrologer since in the field of astrology. There are highly competent astrologers in India today like Bejan Daruwala, Dr. A. S. Kalra, Dr. Arup Shashtri, Pt. Ajay Bhambi, Sumita Menon who provide the perfect astrological names for your child.

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