Popular Names with Letter "B"

Find here famous names/popular names starts with “B”. The names, who have given immense contribution to their respective countries starts with the letter “B”.

Kids names with Letter "B"

Name Country Why They Popular
Bhagat Singh India Indian socialist and freedom fighter
Bal Gangadhar Tilak India Popular Indian Freedom Fighter.
Birbal Sahni India Famous Paleontologist of 19th century.
Ben Johnson United Kingdom Well known literary figure of 17th century
Bruce Lee China Actor, Martial arts instructor
Barack Hussein Obama USA 44th  President of the United States
Brian Lara West Indies  One of the greatest cricketers of all-time
Britney Spears USA American singer and actress
Bill Gates USA co-founded Microsoft 1975
Barry Marshall  Australia  Discovery of antibiotics cure for stomach ulcers
Boris Yeltsin  Russia  First President of Russian Federation from 1991 to 1999
Bach  German One of the greatest composer of all times.
Bertrand Russell United Kingdom  He was an intellectual celebrity
Billie Jean King USA Top-ranked women’s tennis player of America.
Bjorn Borg Sweden World famous tennis players who won 11 grand slam
Bradley Wigggins  United Kingdom  Popular for his track cycling achievements

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